Snugglable Large Plush Horses

Large-Plush-HorsesEvery young horse lover would love to snuggle up with a plush horse. Now you can get those large ones that work great to be a snugglable pal for kids. Horses that are positioned for laying next to your child.

For Horse Lovers of All Ages
We know that children love to pretend. But, we also know that we all love to snuggle. For horse-loving children of any age, the fun of snuggling up with a treasured horse and pretending that horse is real can be ideal. As a child, I loved horse. In fact I still do. It was my plush horse that I told all my special secrets to. I cried into his shoulder when I was upset and I let him protect me from the night monsters while I slept. The truth be told, I would love to have him back again.

Snugglable Plush Horses in Large Sizes

Here are some of those great stuffed horses that I would love to have even now to snuggle with. Each would be ideal to lay on a child’s bed for those special times. You know your own child will name his or her plush horse. Then spend plenty of time hugging and talking to that horse.

 Aurora Plush Paint Horse SuperFlopsie – 28

These are good sized. 28 and 22 inches in length makes for a perfect size to set on your child’s bed. Each is designed to be in a resting position just waiting for a child or any age to snuggle up with.

Plush Animals

Most children love plush animals. There just seems to be something very special about them sharing their world with animals. As parents, we all remember those precious stuffed animals we had as children. And we share that love with our children. There are more choices for snugglable horses you can choose for your child. Just take a look at Large Plush Horses to see more, including the one I featured in the top photo. That one also has a brushable mane so your child can care for her horse as well.